benefits of turmeric:Dr. Theresa Ramsey | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Dr. Theresa Ramsey | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Dr. Theresa Ramsey | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Dr. Theresa Ramsey | Health Benefits of Turmeric
Dr. Ramsey, Chef Chuck Wiley of Cafe ZuZu at the Valley Ho and Host Lisa Haffner discuss Tumeric and Zingiberaeae on Your Life A to Z!
Tumeric is part of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. There are enormous health benefits from turmeric from digestion (as a tonic or anti-parasitic) to inflammation (like arthritis internally and for sunburns externally)! The yellow color signifies that it stimulates liver function and is known in its prevention of multiple types of cancer. Some people take it in the herb form and mix it with olive oil and pepper to increase absorption. One half tsp has .5 grams of turmeric of which 2% is curcumin. One to two teaspoons daily is minimum for anti-inflammatory properties. There is a product made by Xymogen called NRF2, which has curcumin with green tea extract, resveratrol and black pepper for absorption. It is one of my favorite products for “insurance” for a strong immune system.
Dr. Theresa Ramsey is a practicing physician, speaker, lifestyle expert, author of the best selling book, Healing 101: A Guide to Creating the Foundation for Complete Wellness & a weekly guest expert on Arizona’s top morning television show, Your Life A to Z, as their Medical Expert since 2007. Dr. Ramsey has been voted as one of Phoenix Magazine’s Top Docs by her peers and selected as an health expert. Further, Dr. Ramsey has been voted by the public as the Natural Choice Awards winning Women’s Health Specialist for four consecutive years, 2012 – 2015. She elegantly bridges the gap between Allopathic & Naturopathic medicine. Dr. Ramsey is a nationally recognized speaker educating patients & physicians on the language of wellness and root causes to illness & dis-ease. Her focus in her clinical practice is in Lifestyle and Preventive Aging with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Call for your appointment today: 888.970.0077.
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