benefits of turmeric:12 Health Benefits of Turmeric – Herbal Medicine

12 Health Benefits of Turmeric – Herbal Medicine

12 Health Benefits of Turmeric – Herbal Medicine

12 Health Benefits of Turmeric – Herbal Medicine

Turmeric Health Benefits –
Lovers of Indian food will be aware of Turmeric’s bright yellow colour and somewhat sharp taste. This ancient herb has a long tradition as a food colouring and vegetable dye.
It has been part of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years, where it was primarily used to treat the liver and digestive problems.
The active compound that gives Turmeric its healing power is curcumin. Lets look at 12 of the health benefits of Turmeric;
1. Cancer
Cancer affects so many people. In Ireland an average of 30,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year. Curcumin has been studied for its wide ranging effects on tumours in particular its and this preventative effect against cancers of the skin, stomach, colon, prostate and breast. (Gururaj et al., 2002)
2. Cardiovascular effects
Heart disease is a leading cause of death. Approximately 10,000 people die each year from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Ireland
Turmeric has been found to be effective in maintaining heart health by reducing plaque build-up and clot formation. Its also accredited with lowering blood pressure (Zahid Ashram et al., 2005).
3. Wound healing
Curcumin has also been found to help speed up the healing of wounds (Sidhu et al., 1999. Its easy to make a turmeric paste by adding some water and applying this to the external wound
4. Anti-bacterial (according to Gupta et al., 2013)
Turmeric is a natural anti bacterial and anti biotic – killing bacteria inside and outside of the body, thus promoting good health and preventing disease and illness. It has also been used to preserve food (Jayaprakasha et al., 2005)
5. Alzheimers and Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s and related dementia currently affects approximately 38,000 people in Ireland. Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions is being studied to see if it can help to prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinson’s disease (Cole et al., 2005)
6. Inflammatory bowel disease
AROUND 20,000 PEOPLE in Ireland suffer from inflammatory bowel disease such as colitis and Crohn’s Disease. Research has found the use of curcumin to have some positive results in the treatment of Inflammatory bowel disease – Holt et al., 2005
7. Psoriasis
It is estimated that psoriasis affects about 100,000 people in Ireland and is a common reason for people to visit their GP. Topical use of Turmeric helps to reduce the severity of active psoriasis (Heng et al., 2000)
8. Rheumatoid arthritis
Up to 40,000 people in Ireland have rheumatoid arthritis, a painful and disabling condition caused by the immune system attacking the joints. Curcumin was found to be effective in improving morning stiffness, walking time and joint swelling (Chandran and Goel 2012).
Curcumin is one of the most promising natural ingredients in the treatment of arthritis (Henrotin et al., 2013).
9. Diabetes
Turmeric has been used for the treatment of diabetes in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years (Zhang et al., 2013)
10. Peptic ulcers
Research is also examining the benefits of Turmeric in helping to reduce abdominal pain associated with Peptic ulcers.
11. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Turmeric extract shows promise in the treatment of IBS according to one study involving 207 volunteers (Bundy et al., 2014).
12. Reduces alcohol intoxication
One study suggests that Turmeric can be effective in reducing intoxication after drinking (Sasaki et al., 2011)
Contraindications and precautions
About me
Empowering medicine is a holistic channel on Youtube, dedicated to teaching you about herbs and herbal medicine. Like Hippocrates, I believe food is medicine and can heal and prevent all sorts of illnesses. As a master herbalist practicing herbal medicine in Dublin, I can help you find your way to better health, not with drugs, but with foods, medicine and a holistic approach that looks at the root causes of your health problem.
If you subscribe to my channel, each week you will have access to the best and up to date information on herbal medicine and herbal remedies. I do videos on the health benefits of herbs and food as medicine + how to videos + healthy recipes + mental health videos + much more!
Traditional medicine has so much to offer, in a world saturated by drugs and prescription medicines! Choose herbs and choose better longer lasting health!
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