benefits of blueberries:Nutrition in Blueberries: A Tasty Snack with Many Health Benefits

Nutrition in Blueberries: A Tasty Snack with Many Health Benefits

Nutrition in Blueberries: A Tasty Snack with Many Health Benefits

Nutrition in Blueberries: A Tasty Snack with Many Health Benefits

Nutrition in Blueberries: A Tasty Snack with Many Health Benefits.
Blueberries are high in antioxidants. The main antioxidant compounds in blueberries belong to a large family of polyphenols, called flavonoids.
The group of flavonoids in particular known as anthocyanins, is thought to be responsible for much of the beneficial health effects.
Blueberries also protect cholesterol in the blood from becoming damaged. Oxidative damage is not limited to our cells and DNA.
It is also a concern when our circulating LDL lipoproteins (the “bad” cholesterol) are oxidized. Fortunately, the antioxidants in blueberries are strongly linked to reduced levels of oxidized LDL.
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benefits of blueberries
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