benefits of blueberries:Health Benefits Of Blueberries | blueberry and health

Health Benefits Of Blueberries | blueberry and health

Health Benefits Of Blueberries | blueberry and health

Health Benefits Of Blueberries | blueberry and health

Health Benefits Of Blueberries | blueberry and health
Vision protection
Blueberry high in anthocyanosides compounds which
lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). This ARMD is the main cause of loss of vision in older adults
Memory longevity
Antioxidants named flavonoids in the blueberries reverse the memory loss that is counting due to age. It activate the brain parts which are controlling the learning and memory
Reduces fat
With the presence of polyphenols blueberries decrease the risk of metabolic syndrome and even reduce the fat present in the stomach
Heart care
Blueberries contain good amounts of compounds which may help widen arteries, eventually decrease the buildup of plaque that causes the heart attacks
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