benefits of blueberries:Blueberries 12 Health Benefits

Blueberries 12 Health Benefits

Blueberries 12 Health Benefits

Blueberries 12 Health Benefits

When it comes to the placing of berries among popular berries in US it is strawberries which take the first place that is followed by Blueberries, these blue berries are part of Ericaceae family which also include other berries like bilberries and cranberries. Even among the blue berries there are three groups which include highbush blueberries, lowbush blueberries and rabbiteye blueberries.
North America is the place where these blueberries are naturally found in higher quantities and among the three different varieties it is highbush variety that is prominently found in these areas. While the other varieties of blueberries can be found in areas like Mediterranean, Europe and Asia, though these berries are exported to several parts in the world these are mainly cultivated in Michigan, Oregon, Maine, North Carolina and New Jersey.
Though it is North America where this fruit is prominently cultivated this has later on spread across to Europe going ahead to South America along with other nations like Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, Chile and New Zealand. There might be a question about the reason for this fruit to be consumed to such an extent that it has been found that an average adult in US takes about 22 ounces of this fruit per year.
Blue berries are full of anti-oxidants which will keep cancer along with various other diseases at distance, they also are considered to be one among the various fruits which are known to have higher content of anti-oxidants which is supported by delicious taste.
People who give highest priority to their health will have to know that blueberry is the most important fruits for them due to abundance of phytonutrients like hydroxybenzoic acid, flavanols, anthocyanines, hydroxycinnamic acid, pterostilene and resveratrol. Phytonutirients in this fruit will act both as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds along with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B-Complex, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamin K, Copper, Vitamin E, Fiber, Iron and Selenium.
Some of the health benefits of Blueberries fruit:
Enhance immunity system:
Mixture of Vitamin C with Anthocyanin will provide the body with necessary power to fight against any infections caused by bacteria and virus that will increase immunity system’s functioning.
Nullify free radicals:
Phytonutrient named anthocyanin is known to be the one which gives blue color to the fruit, this is also known to be effective in killing cancer since it neutralizes any dangerous effect free radicals might cause also treated any problems related to age.
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