benefits of blueberries:9 Health Benefits of Blueberries

9 Health Benefits of Blueberries

9 Health Benefits of Blueberries

9 Health Benefits of Blueberries

Health Benefits of Blueberries
Nutritional Value of Blueberries 100 grams
Dietary fiber 10%
Calories 3%
Protein 3%
Carbohydrate 5%
Vitamins :
Vitamin C 16%
Vitamin k 24%
Vitamin E 3%
Vitamin B6 3%
Minerals :
Potassium 2%
Manganese 13%
coper 3%
Iron 2%
Health Benefits fo Blueberries :
1 Boosts immune system
2. Helps cure Alzheimer’s disease
3.Aids in strengthening cardiac muscles
4.Beneficial in curing and preventing cancer
5.Reduces riks of osteoporosis and hair loss
6.Helps prevent signs of aging like wrinkles age spots
7.Aids in preventing demenitia and urinary tract infection
8.Improves digestion and provides relief from constipaiton
9. Reduces risk of macular degeneration, cataracts and myopia
benefits of blueberries
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